Sunday, May 10, 2009

BadBoys Wash Day

This weekend was hot so we played early morning this was Sundays First bath and He was a pistol .I washed rookie and Numerous first so he could see what was going on and boy ,I started wetting his Hoof and it was on .I had a hard time because we kept going round and round and i was getting dizzy. Any how once we were both on the same page it was all good , It took about a half hour and Sunday was clean . any how I wont be Posting this weekend due to we will be in Reno Nevada for the Parelli celebrations ,Jill has asked us to take a Shiloh Horse (Cheyenne) for the 4 day event .Hey Lets

Keep It Natural

1 comment:

Beanie Mouse said...

Well, I'm not so sure I'd like a hosebath either.....!! Bidet's are much more civilised, like the one Traveler had in London last year!! Have fun with the Parelli "do"!!