Sunday, February 22, 2009

Back to Training

This weekend was back to training for the BadBoys
Rookie and Numerous was doing the circling game while I was walking down the arena. Both did very well .Rookie went through the seven games , played touch it with Dean and stuff in the arena . Numerous and I practiced the YO Yo in and out or the round pen and worked on the sideways game also . Today was a productive day and we are very pleased with our progress . Until next weekend

Keep It Natural

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My! My! I was reading some of your previous blogs and saw that you were picking on my POOR, INNOCENT white pony. I just don't understand that at all. Little Lucifer... I mean Charmin is just the SWEETEST thing. My little pony wouldn't DREAM of picking on GREAT BIG thoroughbreds like Nume and the Rookster! :)

Sorry we couldn't make it up on Sunday. Looked like fun! See you next weekend!