Sunday, July 19, 2009

BadBoys out on the trail

Well after our choirs Dakotha and I decided to go trail riding This time we took the camera and had a great time ,One of my Goals was to get to this point in my horsemanship .when I first adopted Rookie he was only 1 1/2 yrs old and never broke and I worked with him on the ground for over 2yrs .when he was 3 I started working him under the saddle for 6 days and decided he was ready and he was perfect .it was on a Sunday and I sat on his back and walked around the round pen and from their it was all up hill reaching my goal to ride outside of Shiloh .Now I have Numerous and He also is becoming very well adjusted to trail riding ( from only knowing how to go straight and race )I only use the Parelli halter with him and he is doing Great .Now we are on a journey into the world of Parelli and we have made it to level 2 and our goal will be 1 star instructor.So for now

Keep It Natural

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday with the BadBoys

Was a great day and Sunday and I bonded All day .

Keep It Natural

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sunday Under the knife

Well today was the day Lil Sunday had his manhood taken away ,Well Just half his manhood ! He is doing fine and will up and running soon .He is growing so fast and is very loving .Here are som pix from the day .

Keep It Natural

Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Journey

We went on the journey with Eric & Gus ,Dakotah & Rookie, Deonna & Sunday and Dave & Numerous .What a great time riding and walking ,This was the First time for Rookie to be Ridden and the second time for numerous .What a difference riding out side of the ranch . Rookie and Numerous were in great moods and very excited .

We plan to do this on Sunday .Gus and Lil Sunday was great too this was Sundays first time out also

Keep It Natural